Osteochondrosis is a disease that destroys the intervertebral discs and joints of the spine. Of all five parts of the spine, anyone can be affected by the disease, but the manifestations and symptoms of osteochondrosis of the cervical spine cause the most problems for people. This is due to the large number of nerve fibers and endings, as well as blood vessels that feed the brain, passing through the neck.

This area of the spine is the most mobile. Thanks to the neck, a person has the ability to turn and tilt his head. The constant load that comes to the cervical region contributes to degenerative changes in its structure and the development of osteochondrosis.
Who is affected by the disease
Most often, the disease develops and begins to manifest itself after twenty-five to thirty years due to the forced long stay of a person in a static and uncomfortable position. It primarily affects office workers, drivers, operators of various types of equipment. Often, the disease manifests itself in athletes as a result of training or, conversely, when they suddenly stop.

The main causes of osteochondrosis of the cervical and thoracic spine are incorrect posture, a sedentary lifestyle, heredity, an improperly organized workplace or an uncomfortable bed. Lifting weights also contributes to the appearance of this disease, since in this process microtraumas are possible, contributing to dystrophic changes in the cartilage and bone tissues of the spine.
Stages of development of osteochondrosis of the spine
- The intervertebral discs are just starting to collapse, lose moisture and elasticity. This process can take quite a long time. The stage is characterized by instability.
- It is characterized by protrusion (bulging) of the discs. The intervertebral spaces are reduced due to the destruction of the fibrous ring of the disc and the reduction of its height. Due to pinching of the nerve roots by the approaching vertebrae and bulging discs, pain may occur.
- There is complete destruction of the fibrous ring and, as a consequence, the formation of intervertebral hernias. The spine is significantly deformed.
- This stage is the most difficult, as pain occurs with almost any movement. Bony growths appear, connecting the vertebrae, limiting mobility. Such growths can cause damage.
Distinctive signs of cervical osteochondrosis
The blood vessels that feed the brain are located mainly in a person's neck, so many of the signs of the disease are related to impaired blood circulation in the brain.

- So, here are the signs of osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, noticing which, you should visit a doctor:
- severe, constant pain in the neck and head that extends to the eyes and ears;
- pain in arms, worse with every exertion;
- difficulties in the movements of fingers and hands, violation of their sensitivity;
- neck muscle tension;
- when turning and tilting the head, the appearance of pain in the neck;
- the appearance of throbbing pain in the neck and neck;
- the appearance of dizziness when turning the head (even before passing out), tinnitus;
- numbness of the tongue, blurred vision and hearing;
- heart pain that is not treated with appropriate drugs;
- nausea, blood pressure instability;
- sore throat, swallowing disorder;
- feeling short of breath.
Symptoms of pathology
The manifestation of symptoms of osteochondrosis of the cervical spine may be associated with malfunctioning of the following organs and systems in the patient's body:
- compression and interruption of the spinal cord in the spinal canal. Such symptoms are rare and may occur only in very severe cases;
- changes in the peripheral nervous system, the cause of which is compression of the nerve roots located next to the affected vertebrae;
- violation of blood supply to the brain.
When diagnosing this disease, the doctor pays attention to the presence of a number of symptoms. Their appearance depends on which part of the spine was captured by the disease.
Cardiac syndrome in osteochondrosis of the cervical vertebrae
The signs of cardiac syndrome in osteochondrosis are similar to those of angina pectoris, this is due to irritation of the roots of the pectoralis major muscle or the phrenic nerve. The resulting pain can last up to several hours, and when sneezing, turning the head sharply, the cough becomes stronger.
Tachycardia and extrasystole may occur, which do not disappear with appropriate medication, and the cardiogram does not show abnormalities.
Irritant reflex syndromes
This group of syndromes is characterized by acute pain in the neck, aggravated by movement, coughing, turning the head and sneezing. It may radiate to the shoulder or chest.
radicular syndrome
This syndrome occurs when the cervical nerve is compressed. It is characterized by the spread of pain from the neck to the shoulder blades and forearms to the fingers. Perhaps the appearance of tingling and goosebumps in the back of the head, neck, shoulder area, hands.
vertebral artery syndrome
This syndrome, caused by compression of the vertebral artery responsible for blood supply to the brain, is characterized by the appearance of a sharp or throbbing headache, moving to the back of the head, forehead, temples. Perhaps the appearance of nausea, loss of orientation, the appearance of hearing disorders, weakening of vision, fainting.
A person who has noticed the appearance of the above signs of cervical osteochondrosis should immediately consult a doctor.
It should be remembered that treatment started at an early stage of the disease is most effective. This will help to stop the disease and continue to lead a full life.
Today, medicine offers various methods of dealing with osteochondrosis, allowing you to slow down or stop the destruction of the spine and provide the patient with a long life without pain.
Proper nutrition, an active lifestyle, regular exercise, gymnastics, stretching the spine will allow you not to remember such a problem as cervical osteochondrosis in the future.